Smoking kills. Slowly, but consistently. It it reaching after cigarette was one should was remember, that we risk on development many, often deadly diseases and break from nałogiem, though it is not easy, then it brings measurable advantages. The tobacco the state both in Poland, as also in USA, the main cause of threat of health population, and the smoking the tobacco is one from the most the popularise antyzdrowotnych of elements of style life man. Among about 4 thousand elements and it characterizes chemical stepping out in burning cigarette many relationships strong working toxic, mutagennym, teratogennym (damaging foetus) and cancerigenic.

What disease cause smoking does?

With regard on harmfulness working of several thousand chemical relationships ( the most important exchanged higher) the list of diseases is long. The wholesome resulting from smoking of cigarettes complications be comprise in three basic groups of illnesses: the tumours, coronary disease of heart as well as the failure of lungs.

What diseases was can expect, when pales oneself cigarettes? The crayfish of lungs of, kidney, pancreas; the crayfish of lip, language, oral pit, gullet and the larynx; the crayfish of urinary blister; the disease the niedokrwienna of heart, fall of heart the, chronic bronchitis, the tuberculosis of respiratory arrangement - the enlarged risk on contagion the, arterial hypertension, the atherosclerosis, apoplexy of brain, ulcers of stomach as well as the duodenum the, intestinal ruptures, the impotence, handicap of fertility, and many different. It is proper to to light the way more attention with some.

the Tumours of oral pit of, throat, gullet, larynx - 20 at persons frequency of occurrence of their is blazing - the larger krotnie than at persons who do not smoke and they do not spend in the persons' environment blazing. OK. 30% all tumours of neighbourhood of neck be related from smoking the tobacco. Nikotynizm is cause ok. 85% cases of crayfish of lungs in United States, but smoking causes different tumours also. Cigarettes contain several thousand chemical relationships, so tumour can unroll across overlapping many cancerigenic factors.

the coronary Disease of heart - was can outline on basis of pharmacological results the working of nicotine the influence of smoking on development of illnesses of heart. The nicotine attaches to nicotinic receptors and the rise of pressure of blood calls out the accelerated action of heart as well as the larger burden of work of heart. This leads to enlarged waste of oxygen by heart muscle, and the fall of heart at some persons can call out.